How many controllers can a switch be paired with?

An unlimited number of controllers.

Are all the switches IP rated?

The S2 sereis is IP67 rated. All the other switches, including grid switches and key fob switches, are IP20 rated.

Can the wireless switch be used in a bathroom?

IP67 rated switch S2 series can be used in the bathroom.

How many switches can be paired with a single controller?

Up to 10 switches.

Will the controller maintain the pairing if the power goes off?

Yes, it wil.

Can I install multiple receivers in the same enclosure?

Yes, they will not interfere with one another. Please avoid using metal enclosures as these will shield the signal and will reduce the effective range dramatically.

After a power cut will the controller resume the previous state?

The controller will be “OFF” after a power cut, saving energy, reducing fire risk and protecting your appliances.

Can other smart products work through the KINETIC ENERGY receivers?

No, it can not.